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Why You Should Replace Your Foggy Glass Instead of Repairing It

An essential part of an energy-efficient home is insulated glass windows. Through their clever construction, they keep heat from transferring either into or out of the home, helping to keep energy bills down.

However, as temperatures drop outside, you may have noticed your insulated windows become foggy or cloudy. Foggy glass indicates that the seal of the insulated glass has broken. When this happens, it may be easier to replace the failed insulated glass, as a repair usually involves only a band-aid temporary fix.

How Does Insulated Glass Work?

Insulated glass is typically made up of two panes and gas that fills the area between the panes which helps keep the heat at bay, and helps ensure your home stays warm in cold months and cool during the summer.

Most modern window panes have two seals around the perimeter of the glass panes. In addition to holding in the gas, these seals prevent moisture from penetrating the space between the panes, as well as help them maintain a rigid structure.

Why Does Foggy or Cloudy Glass Happen?

Foggy glass occurs when the seals fail and moisture begins to leak into the space between the glass panes. While the failure rates of these seals are typically low, the more windows you have, the higher the chance of a window seal in your home failing.

As moist air begins to replace the inert gases between the windows, condensation can start to form. The condensation is what fogs or clouds the glass. Because it exists between the two glass panes, it cannot be wiped away as you would condensation on the surface of a single-pane window.

Is It Better To Repair or Replace Foggy Glass?

In almost all cases, it is better to seek a glass replacement than attempt repair. Defogging services do exist, but the results aren’t always great. This process involves drilling a small hole in the window to let moisture escape, but it does not replace the inert glass to make the window truly insulated again.

Replacing the insulated glass unit is usually the way to go, as you end up with a fully functional insulated window.

Where Should You Go For Replacement?

If you’re dealing with cloudy or foggy glass, reach out to Glass & Door Pros. Our skilled and customer-focused team can replace the glass, helping keep your home energy-efficient and your windows cloud-free. Contact us through our website today for an estimate.